Getting ready to go!

Hello everyone! If you are reading this, you are most likely a friend, family member, or contributor that has made the adventure on which I am about to embark possible. If you have somehow stumbled upon this blog, welcome! Let me introduce myself.

My name is Emily Matz, but I usually go by Matz. I am a rising senior (!!!) at Smith College in Northampton, MA. My majors are Engineering and Music, and I have devoted every waking moment of my time at Smith studying these two subjects. I wouldn't have it any other way! When I'm not in the Engineering or Music buildings on campus, you can find me playing with the Smith College Wind Ensemble (I play the flute and the piccolo), or hanging with my theatre troupe, the Leading Ladies of Smith College.

Back in February of this year, I received an email at around 11:30 PM on a random Tuesday. Much to my surprise, I was being offered an internship at the NASA Ames Research Park for the Summer 2017. I could not believe the news, and from that moment I was so excited to begin my journey.

After accepting the offer, I jumped through hoops to get the funding I needed to participate in this internship. The internship is unpaid, and it is all the way in California! For reference, I am originally from New York, so I have a long trip ahead of me. Luckily, with help from Smith College and kind crowd-funding contributors, I was able to raise the funds that I needed to make the trip.

Now, we are counting down the days until I fly out of JFK airport in New York, and I can't wait! MY bags are packed, and everything is set to go. My dad and I just have to drive up the Island, and from there I just get on a plane... and I'm there. I can hardly believe that it's actually happening, but here we are.

My countdown to departure from JFK airport!

Come back to this blog for updates on my journey to NASA. I will be flying CA so soon!


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